4.15.24 – Map 17 – Camping prohibited at camp blanding

The Florida Trail on Camp Blanding is a beautiful place to hike. You’ll walk through the hilly sandhill terrain, with its forests of longleaf pine and turkey oak, densely forested areas with different kinds of hardwood trees and shrubs, and pine plantations in various growth stages. Scattered patches of scrub habitat, with brilliant white sand and plants that can survive extreme heat and dryness, introduce you to Florida’s “desert.”

There is no camping allowed on Camp Blanding property. This is for the security of base operations and the safety of hikers and is strictly enforced by the base. The relationship between the Florida Trail and Camp Blanding is very important and strong and we ask that the public respect Base rules by enjoying your hike and abiding by the regulations in place.

For here more information on Camp Blanding regulations.